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Privacy Policy

Thanks for choosing Harvey Watt & Co.. We know that protecting your privacy is important. Our privacy statement explains how we collect, use, share, and protect your information. It’s for Harvey Watt & Co. customers and visitors of If we change our privacy policy, we’ll post the changes right here. This way you can always check back to learn what information we collect, how we use it, how we protect it, and when we might disclose it.

So just how do we protect your privacy? In a nutshell, we promise to treat your personal
information responsibly and provide you with choices. It’s as simple as that. Here’s how.

Collecting, using, and sharing visitor information

Many of our online activities don’t require visitors to register for an account or give us any personal information. For example, visitors can use our life insurance calculator without giving us any personal information, such as a name or address. We use Web tools to track how visitors use our Web site so we can improve your experience. Harvey Watt & Co. and our business partners may use cookies, clear GIFs, and other tools to track visitor’s IP addresses, domain names, and browser information. These tools don’t collect a visitor’s personal information.


When you visit, we send cookies – a small file containing a string of characters – to your computer. Cookies uniquely identify your Web browser to us. We use cookies to track visitors as they use our Web site. Most Web browsers are set up to accept all cookies, but you can change this setting to refuse (disable) all cookies or to tell you when a Web site is sending you a cookie.

We also use cookies to create a secure session with customers or visitors who want to enter or access their personal information. Just remember, some of our features may not work if you disable cookies.

Clear GIFs (Graphic Interchange Format)

A clear GIF is small file that tracks visitors so we can learn how they use Web ads and Web sites. These GIFs don’t have any personal information. Some of our business partners use GIFs on Web sites and may use GIFs provided by DoubleClick. For more information about DoubleClick or to opt out of their GIF, go to

We collect and use visitor information – which doesn’t have personal information – so we can:

  • Analyze how visitors use our Web site
  • Develop new services to improve our Web site
  • Analyze our marketing campaigns
  • Know how many visitors have seen or clicked on ads

Visitors can choose to use tools to tell us what they think about our Web site. We collect and use the comments that visitors provide to improve our Web site and your experience.

Harvey Watt & Co. has business partners who help develop or service our Web sites. They may track and keep visitor information.

Collecting and using your personal information

We may require you to share your personal information with us for some of our online activities. For example, we collect your personal information so you can access and service your policies online, apply for products or services, and ask us questions.

Personal information is any information that identifies you and describes your relationship with Harvey Watt & Co..

Some examples of the personal information Harvey Watt & Co. collects are:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Social Security Number
  • Driver’s license number
  • Policy or account number
  • Family member information
  • Financial information
  • Property address and value
  • Consumer report information (credit reports)
  • Information from applications and transactions
  • Any information you give Harvey Watt & Co.

If you apply for a product or service, we may collect personal information from your consumer reports, such as your credit report or motor vehicle report. We may also need to collect your medical information. But we won’t use or share your medical information for marketing, unless you give us your permission.

You may choose to use your personal e-mail to correspond with Harvey Watt & Co. Please be careful about the information you send to us in e-mail. As with any public Web tool, your e-mail may not be secure.

We collect your personal information when you:

  • Ask a question
  • Use tools and calculators
  • Apply for products or services
  • Complete a form
  • Conduct transactions
  • Apply for a job
  • Send e-mail to us
  • Subscribe to receive e-mail from us

By providing your phone number to Harvey Watt & Co, you agree and acknowledge that Harvey Watt & Co may send text messages to my wireless phone number for any purpose. Message and data rates may apply. Message frequency will vary, and you will be able to Opt-out by replying “STOP”. No mobile information will be shared with third parties/affiliates for marketing/promotional purposes. All the above categories exclude text messaging originator opt-in data and consent; this information will not be shared with any third parties.

Sharing your personal information

We don’t sell your personal information.

When you buy a product, we may share your personal information with other Harvey Watt & Co. companies or one of our business partners to service your product. We also share your personal information with your agent, investment adviser, investment company, broker-dealer, or transfer agent affiliates. They use your personal information to manage your policy or account.

We share your personal information for everyday business purposes. Some examples include
mailing your statements or processing transactions that you request. You cannot opt out of these.

Sharing your personal information for marketing

We may share your personal information with other Harvey Watt & Co. Companies or our
business partners. We share your personal information with these companies so we can tell you about other products that might interest you.

Sometimes we have a contract with your company or your organization that prohibits us from sharing your personal information with our other companies and business partners. In this case, we do not market new products to you, unless you contact us first and give us your consent.

We have joint-marketing agreements with our business partners. This means that we have
partnered with them to offer you a new product that might interest you. They may use your
personal information to market their products. If you would like to learn more about opting out, please read the next section.

Opt out

You can ask us not to share your personal information with Harvey Watt & Co. Companies or our business partners to market new products to you. Just remember, Harvey Watt & Co. offers many different types of products and services. You may not want to opt out if you would like to learn about these products directly from one of our companies. Please call us toll free at 1-800-241-6103 to opt out of this sharing. If you have already opted out, you don’t need to opt out again.

Confidentiality and security

We use physical and technical safeguards to protect your personal information. We limit access to your personal information to those who need it to do their jobs. The law requires our business partners to use your personal information only for our purposes. They may not share it or use it in any other way. We comply with all data security laws.

Web links

Other companies or organizations may have links to their Web sites on our Web pages. We are not responsible for how they collect, use, disclose, or secure the personal information that you provide to them. Please read their privacy policy so you can learn how the new Web site uses your personal information.


If you are a Harvey Watt & Co. customer, you can ask us to give you a copy of your personal information. Please send a letter to our Atlanta office and get your signature notarized to prove your identity. This is for your protection. We don’t charge a fee for giving you a copy of your information now, but we may charge a small fee in the future.

You can call your Agent to change your personal information. We can’t update information that other companies provide to us. So, you’ll need to contact the other company to correct your information. For example, if you want to update the information in your credit report, you’ll have to contact the credit-reporting agency.

We are Required by Law to Protect Medical Information About You

We are required by law to protect the privacy of medical information about you and that indentifies you. This medical information may be information about health care we receive about you or payment for medical reviews and/or examinations provided to you. It may also be information about your past, present, or future medical condition.

We are also required by law to provide you with this Notice of Privacy Practices explaining our legal duties and privacy practices with respect to medical information. We are legally required to follow the terms of this Notice. In other words, we are only allowed to use and disclose medical information in the manner that we have described in this Notice.

We may change the terms of this Notice in the future. We reserve the right to make changes and to make the new Notice effective for all medical information that we maintain. If we make changes to the Notice, we will

  • Post the new Notice on our website and in our waiting area.
  • Have copies of the new Notice available upon request (you may always contact our Privacy Officer at 800-241-6103, extension 229 to obtain a copy of the current Notice).

This Notice will

  • Discuss how we may use and disclose medical information about you.
  • Explain your rights with respect to medical information about you.
  • Describe how and where you may file a privacy-related complaint.

If, at any time, you have questions about information in this Notice or about our privacy policies, procedures or practices, you can contact our Privacy Officer at 800-241-6103, extension

We May Use and Disclose Medical Information About You In Several Circumstances

As an aviation insurance firm, we do not provide treatment, but we use and disclose protected health information about patients regularly. This section of our Notice explains in some detail how we may use and disclose medical information about you in order to review, process and pay your disability claim or claims and obtain payment for services regarding your medical condition. We may also use and disclose protected health information when we decide to give you insurance or when we renew or replace your insurance. We will also comply with any state or federal law that is more restrictive as to our uses and disclosures of protected health information. For more information about any of these uses or disclosures, or about any of our privacy policies, procedures or practices, contact our Privacy Officer at 800-241-6103, extension 229.

Uses and Disclosures that do not Require Your Written Authorization

We may not make all of the uses and disclosures listed here, but federal law permits use or disclosure of your information without your permission.

  • When we disclose your information to you
  • To third party non-Harvey Watt & Company business associates that perform services for us or on our behalf, such as vendors.
  • Where disclosure is required by law.
  • To a public health authority authorized by law to collect or receive your information to prevent or control disease, injury or disability or when reviewing reports of child abuse or for the conduct of other authorized public health activities and responsibilities.
  • To a health oversight agency for such activities
  • For judicial and administrative proceedings.
  • To a law enforcement official for a law enforcement purpose.
  • To a medical examiner for the purpose of identifying a deceased person, determining the cause of death, or other duties authorized by law.
  • To organ donor organizations in order to aid in such donations.
  • For certain research purposes authorized by and subject to federal law.
  • To avert a serious threat to health or safety.
  • To government officials regarding military personnel and certain domestic and foreign government officials for certain functions authorized by federal law.
  • To comply with workers’ compensation and other similar programs.
  • To make certain marketing communications and for certain fundraising purposes.

Need for Authorization

We will not make any uses or disclosures other than those mentioned above without your permission. You may withdraw such permission in writing. Your withdrawal will not be effective 1) if we took action relying on your permission before it was withdrawn, or 2) if we obtained your permission as a condition of issuing you insurance, for the processing an insurance claim, and the law allows us to contest a claim under the policy or the policy itself. To withdraw your authorization, please write to our Privacy Officer at the address listed at the end of this Notice. If you wish additional information, you should write to our Privacy Officer at the address listed at the end of this Notice.

Your Rights Under this Notice

You have a right to request your PHI not be used or disclosed for treatment, payment or operations. The request must be in writing to our Privacy Officer at the address listed at the end of this Notice. The request should include 1) The information you want restricted, 2) Whether the restriction is for use, disclosure or both, and 3) To whom you want the restriction to apply. Harvey W. Watt & Co. may deny your request for
this restriction. You will be notified, in writing, if this is the case.

You have the right to request that Harvey W. Watt & Co. communicate with you in a certain way or at a certain location. Harvey W. Watt & Co. will grant your request, if reasonably able to do so. Your request should be sent in writing to our Privacy Officer at the address listed at the end of this Notice. The request should include 1) The alternate way or address that you want us to use when contacting you and 2) The reason for this alternate method of contact. Harvey W. Watt & Co. will contact you, in writing, if we are unable to grant your request.

You have the right to see and obtain a copy of your PHI contained in the designated record set. There may be a fee to copy and mail the requested information. Your will be notified of the fee prior to incurring the charge. The designated record set at Harvey W. Watt & Co. contains your application for insurance, copies of information related to the application review, copies of bills if submitted by providers, case management and utilization review information and any medical record information received from
providers and used in the underwriting or benefit analysis process.

Under certain circumstances, Harvey W. Watt & Co. many have the right to deny you access to your designated record set. You will be notified in writing if one of those circumstances exists at the time of your request. You may file an appeal with our Privacy Officer at the address listed at the end of this Notice if you are not satisfied with our decision.

You have the right to request an amendment to the PHI contained in the designated record set. You need to submit your request in writing to our Privacy Officer at the address listed at the end of this Notice. Please include the reason for requesting this change. If Harvey W. Watt & Co. received this information from a provider, we may not be able to honor your request for the amendment. You will need to make your request for amendment to the provider who created the information.

You have the right to request an accounting of the people or organizations Harvey W. Watt & Co. has disclosed your PHI to for reasons other than treatment, payment or operations. Your request must indicate the time period being requested. The time period can be no longer than six (6) years and cannot be for disclosures prior to April 14, 2003. You need to send your written request to our Privacy Officer at
the address listed at the end of this Notice.

You may have additional right available under your state’s laws and regulations.

Harvey W. Watt & Company’s Duties Under this Notice

Harvey W. Watt & Company reserves the right to change the terms of this Notice. The change will be effective for all protected health information (PHI) maintained by Harvey W. Watt & Company. We will mail a revised notice at least 30 days prior to the effective date of the revised Notice.

You may review and print a copy of our most current Notice of Privacy Practices by visiting our Web site at or you may request a hard copy by calling our office at 1-800-241-6103, ext 229.

If you believe your privacy rights have been violated, you may file a complaint with our Privacy Officer or with the Secretary of Health and Human Services.

When you contact us in writing, you should include your name, address and policy or claim number. Send all questions or requests, such as the ones detailed in this Notice to:

Harvey W. Watt & Company
ATTN: Privacy Officer
P.O. Box 20787
Atlanta, GA 30320

Telephone Number: 800-241-6103, extension 229

The effective date of this Notice is February 18, 2010.